our Clinical Services

TOURISM that focuses on patients’ treatment and recovery from illness at leading hospitals globally.

Star Health and Medical Tourism Research and Clinical Services

Are you considering cosmetic surgery, heart surgery, or orthopedic surgery in your local hospital, but the cost is sky-high? With medical travel, you can save up to 60 percent of the cost while still receiving high-quality care. Below are some categories of treatment services you can obtain abroad, as well as the hospitals or clinics that offer them.

  • Cardiac Sciences

  • 1. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafing (CABG)
  • 2. Heart Valve Repair
  • 3. Replacement Surgery Heart Transplant
  • 4. Heart Transplant
  • 5. Lung Transplant
  • 6. Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
  • 7. Pacemaker Implantion
  • 8. Paediatric/ Congenital Heart Repair Surgery
  • 9. Percutaneous Transluminal coronary Angioplasty
  • 10. Surgery for Heart Failure
  • 12. Transcatheter Aortic Valve
  • 13. Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
  • Ear, Nose & Throat

    1.Balloon Sinuplasty
    2. Cochlear Implantation
    3. Head & Neck Surgery
    4. Lanyngea Surgery
    5. Parotid Surgery
    6. Submandibular Gland Surgery
    7. Thyroid Surgery
  • Gastroenterology

    1.Endoscopic Procedures
    2. Galistones
    3. Gastritis
    4. Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Diseases (GERD)
    5. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
    6. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    7. Peptic Ulcerv
  • Endocrinology.

    1.Adrenal disorder
    2. Diabetes
    3. High Cholesterol
    4. Obesity
    5. Osteoporosis
    6. Thyroid disorder
  • General Surgery.

    1.Colorectal Surgery
    2. Galistone Surgery
    3. Hernia Surgery
    4. Minimally Invasive Surgery
    5. Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
    6. Vascular Surgery
  • Endocrinology.

    1.Ankle & Foot Surgery
    2. Hand & Wrist Surgery
    3. Hip Surgery
    4. Knee Surgery
    5. Musculoskeletal Tumour
    6. Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
    7. Spine Surgery
    8. Sports Medicine
  • Neuro Sciences .

    1.Brain Aneurysm
    2. Brain Tumor
    3. Deep Brain Stimulation
    4. Epilepsy
    5. Headaches
    6. Movement Disorders
    7. Neuro Surgery
    8. Sleep Surgery
    9. Spine Surgery
    10. Stereotatic Radiosurgery stroke
  • Renal Sciences & Urology.

    1.complicated Kidney Transplant
    2. End-Stage Kidney Diseases
    3. Glomeruloneph2itis
    4. Greenlight Laser Therapy
    5. Kidney Surgery and Transplant
    6. kidney Failure
    7. Kidney Stones
    8. Kidney Sparing Surgery
    9. Living Donor Kidney Transplant
    10. Polycystic Kidney Disease
    11. Prostate Surgery
    12. Prostate (TURP)
    13. Transurethal Resection of Urinary Incontinence
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

    1. Cystectomy (Ovarian Cyst Removal)
    2. Hysterectomy (Womb Removal)
    3. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
    4. Myomectomy (Fibroid Removal)
    5. Neonatology (Pregnancy)
    6. Oophorectomy (Removal of the Ovaries)
    7. Pelvic Floor Reconstruction & Incontinence Surgery
  • Oncology .

    1. Bone Marrow Transplant
    2. Breast surgery
    3. Heamatology
    4. Head and Neck Surgery
    5. Kidney Cancer
    6. Medical Oncology
    7. Pancreatic Cancer
    8. Radiation Oncology
    9. Stomach Cancer
    10. Surgical Oncology
  • Ophthalmology .

    1. Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
    2. Cataracts
    3. Glaucoma
    4. Neuro-Ophthalmology
    5. Refractive Surgery (LASIK)
  • Pulmonogy .

    1. Asthma
    2. Bronchoscopy
    3. Ch2onic Obstructive Pulmonary
    3. Diseases (COPD)
    4. Lung Cancer
    5. Pneumonia
    6. Sleep Apnoea
  • Paediatrics .

    Child Development
    1. Paediatric Cardiology
    2. Paediatric ENT
    3. Paediatric General Surgery
    4. Paediatric Medicine
    5. Paediatric Oncology
    6. Paediatric Ophthalmology
    7. Paediatric Orthopaedics

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It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining popularised only five Power of centuries.
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Children's Health

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